Hello there 👋🏽

DevOps, Cloud Garderner and Purveyor of Happiness


About Me

I’m Josh. I specialize in cloud computing and Kubernetes, with extensive experience across various enterprises. Currently, I’m innovating at Intact Insurance, where I enhance developer experience through the creation of an Internal Developer Platform and cutting-edge solutions with Jenkins CI and Helm.


  • I

    DevOps Principal, Developer Experience COE

    Intact Insurance -

    At Intact, our Developer Experience COE team enhances software lifecycles by leveraging Jenkins, OpenShift, Infrastructure as Code, and GitOps principles. We focus on improving the developer experience through solutions like an Internal Developer Platform to centralize project resources and opinionated pipelines with Jenkins and Python, streamlining workflows and easing developer challenges.

  • m

    DevOps Specialist

    mdf Commerce -

    Maintained Azure DevOps using PowerShell for projects involving outdated technologies.

  • C

    DevOps Consultant

    Croesus -

    Maintained Azure DevOps using PowerShell for projects involving outdated technologies.

  • F

    Platform engineering Consultant

    Fairstone Bank -

    Development of React library for AWS Appconfig Feature Flag.

  • N

    DevOps Integrator

    National Bank of Canada -

    Developed a cost-saving tool for an AWS sandbox account, guided a Thai development team in Agile adoption, and served as Technical Lead on a DevOps KPI project. Acted as Product Owner for an AD group access management project and supported infrastructure teams in their DevOps transformation.

  • D

    DevOps/Developer Consultant

    Desjardins -

    Developed a Python tool for creating release notes and changelog pages, enhanced an Apollo GraphQL API for environment data retrieval, created the Atlassian CLI app (atlcli), and built a Newman reporter for PowerBI to generate test result reports.

  • L


    Logient -

    Managed Docker container orchestration, developed Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with Terraform to facilitate infrastructure deployment, created CI/CD pipelines with Azure DevOps, and maintained and automated Linux virtual machines.

  • L

    .NET Developer

    Logient -

    Maintained legacy .NET applications, worked on projects like OPQ's inspection website, and managed applications for L'Oréal.

  • L

    .NET Developer (Internship)

    Logient -

    Contributed to developing solutions for projects and participated in project conception and software maintenance.


  • É

    Bachelor in Software Engineering (incomplete)

    École de Tecnologie Supérieure (ÉTS) -

  • C

    Diplôme d'études Collégiales (DEC) en techniques de l'informatique

    Collège de Bois-de-Boulogne -


Some of the Projects I built

Explore a selection of projects I’ve developed, showcasing my expertise in cloud computing, Kubernetes, and DevOps. Each project highlights innovative solutions and advancements in enhancing development processes and efficiency.

Project Image

Joshua Ghali - Portofolio

This website! It was made using TailwindCSS, NextJS and shadcn for all the web components. It is currently deplyed to Vercel.

Project Image


My homelab started as an effort to de-Google my life and has since become a way to learn cloud and DevOps technologies like Kubernetes and Proxmox while self-hosting my data.

Project Image

Atlassian CLI

A CLI application made for querying informations from Atlassian products. It can also create changelogs and delivery notes pages on Confluence.

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Concourse multibranch

Concourse resource allowing mutliple branch to run on a specific pipeline

Project Image


Proof of concept for an Android mobile application made for students from ÉTS. This would allow a student to consult their class schedule and their grades.

Certifications and training

Here are the certifications and training that highlight my expertise in DevOps and cloud technologies. My credentials reflect a commitment to staying current with industry standards and best practices, ensuring top-notch skills and knowledge.

Let's get in touch

I’d love to hear from you! Whether you have questions, collaboration opportunities, or just want to connect, feel free to reach out on Linkedin. 🤙🏽